
Philipp Keel, renowned artist and international
best-selling author of the All About Me series provides
an answer to the barrage of 24/7 information,
the challenge of needing to do more but having time for less,
and the pressure of today’s difficult
economic times with Keel’s Simple Diary™.
Informed by his “less is more” manifesto, his new series
exemplifies a lifestyle that happens to come with a book.
Debuting today on the Taschen imprint,
seeks to redefine the notion of a diary with
illuminating thought starters, queries and illustrations
to enable to reader/creator to explore, navigate and
document the chaotic adventure we call life.
In a world where products are out as soon as they’re in,
where communicating without wires doesn’t come without strings,
and even our accessories need accessories we need simple tools.
Simple Diary™ provides that option for under twenty dollars.
Keel explains: there are three reasons why most people,
although they have tried, won't keep a diary.
Not every day is very eventful, it actually takes a lot of
discipline to write, and in retrospect,
may find what they have written embarrassing.
His unique format takes the pressure out of journaling,
and provides boundaries to get to the essence of
your day, week, or moment.
Simple Diary™ is the authors response to having too much
information and not enough meaning, and needing
to remember what made him smile.
Says Keel, “It gave me structure and a way to turn off
the noise of everything being too much,
and hear what I really thought.”
The author, so adept at asking questions in his search for
understanding who we are and why we do what we do,
also provides some compelling,
philosophical and witty answers in his new work.
For Keel, life truly is the greatest work of art.
Prior to today’s launch of Simple Diary™ Keel
distributed his manifesto for the digital age to
select friends, raconteurs, media and bloggers.
Simple Diary™ is Taschen’s first book that features text.
“In difficult times like these, a little comfort doesn’t hurt.
And this is what Philipp Keel’s new series of books is all about,”
says Benedikt Taschen, eminent publishing titan.
This is a milestone for the publisher and speaks to the power of
Keel’s ability to elevate the concept of the diary to art.
Format:117 x 166 cm
Pages:136 pages
ISBN:978-4-89444-781-3 C3070